This project was started because I could not find any decent world analyzers for Minecraft. I saw several results (some graphs and data tables) of some analyzers, but I couldn't find the analyzers themselves. After finding the Substrate library, I immediately saw the possibility of creating my own without having to figure out the NBT file structure.
RHA has two objectives:
- Provide an easy framework for other people to implement their own world analyzers.
- Provide some basic analyzers for end-users to use right after downloading.
Implementing a world analyzer can be daunting if starting from scratch. You have to write the code to read the world data in, analyze the data, code the display (GUI or write to disk), and deal with all the other details of writing a full application. I wanted an easy way for modders or other interested people to write a few lines of code pertaining only to the analysis part and have the framework take of the details of reading and displaying the data.
Basic Analyzers
It wouldn't be very helpful to an end user to download an app and be able to do nothing with it, so I also want to include some analyzers so users can use it immediately—they can download and install the other analyzers whenever. This also shows analyzer developers the correct way to write an analyzer.
Updates to come!
This project just got started; expect updates here soon, such as where to download.
RHA references two other OSS libraries: Substrate and ObjectListView. Both of those are included in the project files on GitHub.
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