
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Issues with starting to teach, as well as who, and what, are we fighting against?

Christmas is over; a new school semester, a new year, and New Year's Resolutions are all starting soon. I never did take much stock in those resolutions since the success rate is so abysmal; besides, if you are going to actually "change" your life, it will take effect when you get the proper motivation—a new year is a normal event, not something to get excited about, and definitely not something that will motivate you. In light of that, I'm making a resolution: teach a Sunday school class (or equivalent) on Biblical Creationism. Ever since I've learned about this subject, I've seen the absolute lack of education on creation and wanted to correct it. It's not the reason I started this blog, but it is the reason I've continued it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Of night, sleep, and music.

At this point, I usually like to pose a open-ended and rhetorical question. It is not meant to be answered; it perhaps can't be definitively answered. However, I'm struggling to find both answers and questions to what is happening in my life. I am at the point of uncertainty—whether that is a real term or not, I know not; however, it fits very well to my circumstances. You must bear with me as I jump around, this piece is not planned, nor am I intending to do much editing past spelling and grammar. It is a true stream-of-consciousness post.