
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Half-posts, character limits

I frequently find myself wanting to post some thought or something, but it isn't nearly long enough for a full post on RI or I don't have the time, energy, or enthusiasm to post about it. This could be helped if I do "half-posts," yet I don't want to clutter up the posts on here. I've thought about using another platform to publish these smaller thoughts, however, I have yet to find one I like.

I'll never sign up for Twitter, so don't even think about suggesting it. Character limits, though I understand the logic that there is a significant amount of the masses who cannot fathom the idea of using concise language, they are cumbersome for those who realize the requirement for elaboration. These limits, once one looks past the frustration and walks through the consequences of unlimited text (e.g., some idiot who tries so hard to provide detail, but never makes a point), are most likely, in the long run, a good thing; still, I have to ask why so low? Why not something like a nice, large, round figure of 1024 characters? Of course, I would probably complain about that, too.

Despite the fact I somewhat understand the concept of getting people to use very concise language to get the point across, it is frustrating to work around an arbitrary character limit just to get my point through. I constantly run into these limits when playing World of Warcraft (255 character limit) and when I tried out Rift, I think they had a smaller character limit than WoW (didn't test the numbers). When I use long sentences, I am usually explaining something, or merely holding a more intelligent conversation than normal, and being required to split it up with an ellipsis, which disrupts my train of thought, feels as if I'm being slighted somehow.

Fact: friends dread it when I do not respond in a timely fashion to their questions when we're playing—they know a wall of text is incoming. In addition, I made a point of taking the talent that makes my Wall of Text spell always critically strike.

Facebook... well, there's character limits, though they are more relaxed (roughly 420, if my googling can be trusted, but that's beside the point.) There's also the fact that nobody can find what I post on there once the post fades farther into the ever-shrinking scroll bar. I also do not like the very informal aura on Facebook; I constantly hope my thoughts on something are worth more than a Like.

I haven't had anybody invite me to Google+ yet, but I'm not sure if I would post on there anyway. I have read some reviews about the service stating there are no character limits.

It would be nice to have a gadget to add on the Rampant Intelligence home page that I could use to solve this issue (tangent: gadgets on Blogger seem to be mostly useless). My vision would be for the home page to have two feeds, one for my main posts and one for paragraph (or two) posts. The paragraph posts would probably consist of things like open-ended questions about something, the awesome factor of something, or possibly the rant of "why does this work this way?! It makes no sense!"

I could always post everything like I have it set up right now, but I fear that if I start publishing short posts, the larger, main posts will get drowned out. Perhaps I should let that problem present itself before finding a solution for it. In any case, it is disappointing not to have the option for multiple posting feeds.

In the end, I probably will use some kind of prefix in the title to let you know reading a full post will take a lot longer than normal. Cue the "OMG, you mean you want to post longer posts than you already do?!?" comments. It is not that I want to, I always seem able to conjure more content into a post than I originally thought possible. Besides, you should see some of the blogs and news posts I read, it is not unusual for me to read 2,000+ word articles, albeit not necessarily on a daily basis. To give you a baseline, this post is 718 words long.

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